Saturday, March 7, 2020

Do Militant Vegans Want Global Mass Starvation?

Militant vegans say they want everybody to go vegan. They also seem to want laws passed against animal agriculture so non-vegan food is less accessible.

What would be the consequences if the world went vegan, either by choice or because of outlawing animal agriculture? Mass starvation.

You see, there are two kinds of farmland out there. One kind is the kind of land that can be plowed up and planted to ‘plant-based’ crops like soybeans and grains to be processed into the kind of food that vegans can eat.

The other kind is the farmland that can be used to graze animals. There are federal lands leased for cattle grazing that is too delicate ecologically to be grazed every year. Other grazing lands are tougher than that.

What happens when you plow up grazing land to grow plant-based crops on it? Well, it could end up like Oklahoma in the Dust Bowl— your topsoil can pack up and hitch a ride on the nearest wind out-of-state. 

What happens if the vegans get their way and no one any longer uses grazing lands to produce human food? There is that much less food in a hungry world! You just can’t grow more soy for soymilk & tofu on grazing land. So the global food supply gets shorter and the less powerful people in the world won’t get to eat.

There is, of course, the vegan myth that all meat is produced only by grain feeding. But what is the most trendy, desirable and healthy form of meat? Grass-fed and grass-finished meat! And this meat is actually shown to be healthier and richer in Omega-3s than grain-fed meat.

Of course the vegan militants, if they are aware of the mass death their plans would cause, probably have some high-minded propaganda about saving the planet through population shrinkage. But the sad fact is, many members of the globe’s threatened population will not be ‘shrunk’ to death quietly. Why should they starve while the vegan elites shout ‘let them eat tofu’ even though tofu will be in short supply? 

There have been human-caused deliberate famines in history, as in the Ukrainian genocide-by-hunger perpetrated by Stalin, that have not lead to violent revolts, but that’s because the famines were geographically limited and the people that started them had power over the people that were meant to die.

The globe currently has many independent nations. Will the third world ones willingly agree to be starved out to please elite first-world militant vegans? Somehow I don’t think so.

Yours in Keto * Low-Carb,
Nissa Annakindt


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