Contact Me

I'm always happy to find that someone likes my blog enough to want to subscribe to the blog, or contact me, or comment. Here are some ways to stay in touch with me:
In the sidebar of my blog (right side) you will find a link that says 'Follow me on Blogarama.' If you use Blogarama you can follow me that way. Below that, there is a form that says 'Follow by Email.' Below that, you will find one that says 'Subscribe To.' You can use that to follow the blog with Netvibes and My Yahoo. Also, I post the new blog posts on Twitter and Gab. Lower down on the sidebar you will find the links to my Twitter and social media.
At the bottom of each blog post there is a comment form. Sorry, I have had to disallow anonymous comments as very many of them were spam comments, so you will have to use your Google account to comment. I also moderate comments to prevent spam comments and problematic comments from getting through (like ones selling Viagr@ or online gambling, or death threats against another commenter, I will allow comments that disagree with me, provided the commenter can do it without swearing.)
On the very same sidebar mentioned above, you can contact me by email. Note: I don't always check my email promptly, so be patient with me.
I cannot pay anyone for writing guest posts for this blog, sorry. If you are actually knowledgeable about Keto * Low-Carb, and have regularly interacted with this blog by commenting, use the Contact Form to get in touch with me with your idea for the guest post. If you have your own blog or a book out, provide a link to them.
There are a lot of nice people out there offering me a free copy of their ebook if I will only promise to read it and review it. Or just review it. Sometimes the review has to be a 5-star review. I'm sorry, but as busy as my life is, getting a free ebook in exchange for having to read it and write about it seems more like another chore than a gift. So I am afraid I will have to say 'no' unless you are Jimmy Moore, Gary Taubes, Dr. Jason Fung, or Dana Carpender.

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Comments are moderated, but are always welcome. Comments with swearing, spam comments, off-topic comments and comments which are just flattery of me, not being of general interest, are read by me but not posted to the blog.